
时间:2023-11-26 10:15:20   浏览:55313



1、Don"t let this exam intimidate you...unless you"re up against a really tough essay prompt, in which case it"s okay to be a little intimidated.

2、You"re smarter than this exam! Unless you"re not, in which case good luck with that.



5、Don"t worry, the worst that can happen is you fail the exam and become a successful entrepreneur anyway.

6、Remember, the clock is ticking and you"re not getting any younger...oh wait, wrong kind of motivation.

7、Don"t let this exam define you as a person...unless you fail it, then you"re pretty much a failure.


9、Don"t worry, a failing grade on this exam won"t hurt your self-esteem...unless you have some kind of fragile ego, in which case good luck with that.

10、You can do anything you set your mind to...except passing this exam, because let"s face it, it"s pretty difficult.

11、You"re going to crush this exam! Unless you"re the Hulk, in which case please don"t smash anything.

12、You"ve got this! Unless you don"t, in which case maybe try studying next time.




16、You"re going to make this exam your b*tch! Or at least try not to cry in the middle of it.

17、You"ve got this in the bag...unless that bag is made of failure.




21、I believe in you! But then again, I believed in my pet rock too.

22、You got this! Unless you don"t, in which case good luck.

23、You"re going to do great on this exam! Unless you don"t, in which case I never said that.

24、Don"t stress, just remember that this exam is just a small part of your overall education...unless you fail it, then it kind of becomes a big part.



27、Don"t worry about the outcome, just focus on not failing this exam.

28、Don"t worry, the worst that can happen is you fail the exam...just kidding it"s actually failing the exam while your pants are down.




32、Just think of this exam as an opportunity to prove your teachers wrong about you.

33、Don"t let this exam get the best of you...unless you failed it, then it pretty much already has.

34、If at first you don"t succeed, well...you"re pretty much screwed for this exam.

35、Keep calm and carry on...or you can freak out and fail the exam.

36、Don"t worry if you don"t know the answer, just write something...anything, really.

37、The only thing worse than failing this exam is the awkward silence when you have to tell your parents.




41、Don"t worry, it"s not like this exam is going to haunt you for the rest of your life...oh wait, it is.

42、You"re going to ace this exam...or at least you"ll be able to spell your name correctly at the top.

43、You"re going to do great on this exam! Unless you"re one of those people who"s afraid of success, in which case good luck with that.

44、You can do it! Unless you"re taking a multiple choice exam, then you"re just guessing like the rest of us.

45、Remember, it"s not about the destination, it"s about the journey...unless the destination is passing this exam, in which case it"s all about the destination.

46、You"re going to ace this exam! Or at least not fail as badly as that one kid who got caught cheating.









55、Don"t worry, just remember that you"re not alone...unless you"re taking the exam in solitary confinement, in which case you kind of are.

56、You"re going to ace this exam! Or at least not fail as miserably as your classmate who fell asleep during it.

57、Don"t worry, failing this exam won"t be the end of the world...unless you plan on living on Mars with Elon Musk.

58、You"re going to pass this exam with flying colors! Just make sure those colors aren"t red and F-shaped.

59、Don"t stress, we"re all in this together...unless you cheat, in which case you"re pretty much on your own.

60、Don"t get too stressed out, it"s not like your entire future depends on this exam...oh wait, it does.


62、Remember, it"s not about how many questions you get right, it"s about how many you get wrong.

63、考试风格,诚信开始,没有顾忌,面对真实的自己。【977139.CoM 高分范文网】






69、Remember, it"s not about how you start, it"s about how you finish...unless you start off by failing the exam, in which case it"s pretty much game over.

70、You"re going to pass this exam with flying colors! Or at least with some colors, like blue and red.

71、Don"t stress, just write anything and hope for the best.

